Flexible Capital for Acquisitions, Development, Recapitalizations, Joint Ventures, Refinancing, and Loan Repayments
Core Plus, Value Add, Development, Distressed
JV Equity, Preferred Equity, Stretch Senior/Bridge, Mezzanine Loans, B-notes
Major US Markets with a specific focus in Florida (Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville, South Florida) and the Southeast
Multifamily (student and traditional), Retail, Entertainment, Office, Industrial, Hospitality, Mixed-Use.
$3-$50M+ of total capital provided
Development, Value Add, Distressed, Stabilized, Student
Major US Markets with a specific focus in Florida (Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville, Miami) and the Southeast
Equity (Joint Venture and Direct), Preferred Equity, Mezzanine
$3M-$50M of total capitalization
Distressed, Value Add, Development
Major East Coast US Markets with a specific focus in Florida (Tampa, Florida Keys, Orlando, Jacksonville, Miami)
Equity (Joint Venture and Direct), Preferred Equity, Mezzanine
30 keys and larger
Retail (Single Tenant/Entertainment/Restaurant), Office, Industrial, Mixed-Use
Major US Markets in the Southeast including but not limited to Tampa, Orlando, South Florida, Jacksonville, Atlanta, Raleigh-Durham, Charlotte, Nashville, and Washington, D.C.
Value Add, Opportunistic Acquisitions, Select Development
Joint Venture, Preferred Equity, Mezzanine, Programmatic Joint Ventures
$2M-$100M of total capitalization
Development, Value Add, Distressed, Stabilized, Student
Major US Markets with a specific focus in Florida (Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville, South Florida) and the Southeast
Equity (Joint Venture and Direct), Preferred Equity, Mezzanine
50 units and larger